Returns Policy
You may return new items 14 days from delivery for a full refund. We'll also pay the return shipping costs if the return is a result of our error (you received an incorrect or defective item, etc.).
Once we have received the return order, and ensured the condition of the product and original packaging, we will issue you with a refund.
You should expect to receive your refund within a few days of us receiving this return. Please be aware that it can take your bank a few days to release the funds back into your account. We cannot process a refund until we have received the item back.
To start the returns process, please reach out to for a copy of our return form which must be completed by the customer for all returned orders.
Once you have filled the form and emailed it to, you can then post the item to:
Parcel Collect 10230 09117
186-188 Smith Street
COLLINGWOOD Victoria 3066, Australia
If you need more information on the return process, please contact us at and we will give further instructions on how to proceed.
We will notify you via e-mail of your refund once we've received and processed the returned item.
Returns must be in a new condition in its original packaging with all tags and labels attached.
If I am not happy with the product I have ordered, can I return it?
Yes, we allow for change of mind within 14 days of delivery. If product is not faulty, it must be in its original shape. For change of mind or incorrect sizing the customer is responsible for the return shipping costs.
What if ants get in my pets food?
This won't happen! :) But! If it does, then send us a high quality video of this in action and some high quality photos for a full refund. We will need to be able to clearly see the ants going into the bowl and that the water moat is topped up. Please note, a lone ant or two doesn't count here. With enough time, and enough ants, the probability is that a single ant can float across the water and get in the food. Very unlikely, but it's possible. This might happen every few months in normal operation and when there are lots of ants around. The ant could also come from something touching the bowl, or the cat / dog itself. For this offer, we are talking about systematic failure of the product. Further, these bowls are designed to protect against common black Australian house ants, which are ~3mm or less in size. buel will not protect your pet's food from massive ants like bull-ants, or swimming ants like fire-ants. These bowls are great, but they cannot stop nature! Although seriously if you have those bigger in your house that's another problem altogether! (we hope you never do!)
My product was damaged when it arrived, what do I do?
Please contact us at right away and we will have this sorted out for you. Products will break from time to time in transit. Please, if possible, take a couple of photos of the issue before getting in touch, so we can assess what went wrong. We will give you details on where to send them, once you get in touch.